...And Then the Boss Shows Up!

Dr. Dan Hartley spends some time behind the microphone with Ryan Schwartz (behind the console) and Steven White on The Sit-Down. It's Thursday, January 9th.
Ryan Schwartz asks Dr. Hartley a few sports-related questions and then the conversation turns to school-related news and information.

Ryan Schwartz is the jovial one on staff. His infectious laughter and bright-outlook on life endears him to each and every Biff staff member.

During the school day, The Biff is streamed over the speakers in the school commons. In fact, barring any special events scheduled, The Biff can be heard 24/7.

So on Thursday, January 9th, Ryan spotted Dr. Hartley walking through the commons to exit the building and proceeded to talk about him on the air; teasing him good-naturedly, thinking he could hear. Unfortunately, Dr. Hartley was oblivious, his focus on other matters, so Station Manager Ronald Wittebols flagged Dr. Hartley down and brought him into the studio for a quick chat:

The Sit-Down

with Ryan Schwartz

The visit is one of those found-topics that turned into a delightful conversation! You'll never know who will stop by The Biff...

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