On Tuesday, January 14, newly-appointed Superintendent Pat Watson stopped by the WBFH studios for a half-hour visit. It was a delight to welcome the new skipper on board as he traded quips with staff members Mike DeFrancesco and Ryan Miskelly about Cleveland and other sport topics.
After meeting the rest of the staff, Mr. Watson was ushered into Studio B where Noelle Siwek and Roni Kane recorded an interview which was played during various dayparts. The questions ranged from personal topics to his vision for the District, going forward.
When you begin your new job as Bloomfield Hills Schools superintendent and your girls basketball team just happens to play the team from your former school, where does your allegiance lay? That was one of the questions Evan Katz asked during a halftime interview as Bloomfield Hills played West Bloomfield on home court at MHSAA District play.
As the interview continued, Katz steered the conversation through several other topics, from how Mr. Watson’s experience as the Bloomfield Hills Schools superintendent was unfolding to the upcoming bond issue that soon will be before the voters. Mr. Watson is quickly winning over fans and making himself feel at home. He loves hanging out with Biff staff members.
For the record, Pat Watson is a Black Hawk!
Every year the Intercollegiate Broadcast System honors the best and the brightest among college and high school media.
Their 2020 awards ceremony was held at the 80th Annual IBS International Media Conference, March 6-8, 2020 at the Hotel Penn in midtown Manhattan. WBFH placed among some of the best high school radio stations in the nation!
Most Creative/Innovative Show
Evening Encore Aircheck
Roni Kane
Best Radio Drama
Sorry Wrong Number
WBFH Staff
Best Campus News Coverage
School Theatre Update
Roni Kane
Best Event Promo
College Visits
Roni Kane
Best Podcast
Historical Headlines Episode 106:
The French Revolution
Roni Kane, Cole Bewick
Best Station Contest/
Promotional Event
Biffgrams Fundraiser
WBFH Staff
Best Logo
WBFH Station Logo
WBFH Staff
Best Show Promotional Poster
E-Squared Poster
Erin Schwartz, Eddie Eichenhorn,
Evan Katz
Best News Promotion
Kyler Murray News Update
Thomas Westman
Best Promo Series
School Clubs Promo
Elena Hirsch, Bilal Mustaquim,
Roni Kane
Best Station Promo
Making a Promo
Jack Brown
Best Show Promo
Evening Encore
Roni Kane
Best Even Promo
Coaches All Star Game
Jack Brown, Eddie Eichenhorn,
Evan Katz
Best PSA
Thomas Westman
Best Sports Play-by-Play Football
Bloomfield vs. Troy
Jack Brown, Evan Katz
Best Use of Social Media
Biff Instagram and Twitter
WBFH Staff
This past semester was certainly one worth noting for the history books. When the long March 12 through 15 weekend morphed into a stay-at-home order from the governor, the WBFH staff was at a loss for what to do.
Station Manager Ronald Wittebols quickly gathered the appropriate remote broadcasting equipment and Station Advisor Danielle Tier made some substantial changes to lesson plans. The WBFH staff was going to find some semblance of normalcy; they were going to continue with regular programming. Student General Manager Roni Kane rallied and guided staffers to produce content. The result? Some great moments in broadcasting!
With Wittebols linking back to the station from his home studio, staffers were able to link up and go live on the air.
Jim began his broadcast career in high school. He signed up for a broadcasting class, but never got on the air. However, he didn’t stop trying. His first real on-the-air experience came in college, spinning discs on a carrier-current station.
After college, Jim landed radio jobs in Adrian and Gaylord while also trying his hand at voice-over acting.
Eventually, he transitioned to television, portraying a feature reporter called The Survivor on WXYZ Channel 7’s Good Afternoon Detroit. From that gig, it was on to be part of Detroit radio personality Dick Purtan’s crew on WCZY radio.
Among the voices he originated for Purtan’s People: Casey Kasem, James Brown, Mr. Rogers, Dick’s smarmy agent, Sol, and everyone’s favorite dog, White Fang. Jim is a much-sought-after voice talent in the advertising community, a noted actor and loving father of two. He is married to Deb.
During the spring 2016 College Night remote broadcast, Station Manager Ronald Wittebols spotted Detroit broadcast veteran Jim Ochs standing across the hallway as his daughter, Lily, was nearby talking to a college recruiter. Ron stepped forward, introduced himself, engaged in some small talk and while finishing, offered some air time at a future date, should the fancy strike.
At first, Jim rejected the offer out-of-hand, explaining that he was retired and not really interested, but Ron was persistent, insisting on an at-least-come-in-for-one-broadcast promise. After a short back-and-forth wrangling, Jim relented. He showed up that May and spent the next three years stopping by each week to spend some time behind the WBFH microphone. Ron retrieved turntables from storage and set them up; Jim brought his vinyl record collection. He relished his time with us.
Unfortunately, Jim lost his battle with cancer in December, leaving us all too soon. We enjoyed his weekly visits, his biting humor, his irascible demeanor and curmudgeonly outlook on life. He was funny. He was generous. He was loyal. He was part of our staff. He brightened our days and he had a blast! We loved him.
Like many of our loyal listerners, the WBFH staff is glad to say goodbye to 2020; it was a horrible year. It was the year of Covid-19, a national shut-down and a controversial election. As March approached its halfway point, the atmosphere quickly changed into one of a stressful, frustrating and sad nature, filled with panic and uncertainty. We couldn’t wait to see it in our rear-view mirror.
Looking ahead into the new year, there is much to anticipate, perhaps a happier tone: the upcoming semester change will see an influx of new staff members eager to take their place behind the legendary microphones of The Biff, creating unique and compelling content; the District plan to replace the nearly 30-year-old WBFH antenna, which has been in operation since August, 1991 thus improving transmission; and, ultimately, a return to the studios pending the lifting of social-distancing rules.
All during the pandemic, our staffers did their best to work through the inconveniences of remote daily broadcasts. They’ve experienced what it takes to produce and perform under the most difficult and trying conditions; and they did so with professionalism and good humor. Station Advisor Danielle Tier and Operations Manager Ronald Wittebols are extremely proud of their efforts.
Mascots are fun to have around. For years, The Biff has had the Biffalo to cart around to live remotes, but there’s definitely another favorite whom the staff has embraced: Oliver, Danielle Tier’s adorable little doggy.
Although he’s a home-doggy, there may be a chance when he could stop by the station for a visit!
A long time has passed since that weekend in March, 2020 when the country and the State of Michigan shut down in a panic over a mysterious virus that spread so quickly.
It was Friday, March 12 when the order from administration was put forth to vacate Bloomfield Hills High School. Beginning Monday, March 15, no one was allowed to enter the building or any building in the district. Life was about to get complicated, especially for students.
The rest of the school year was conducted remotely. There were no sporting events. There was no social life. Graduation consisted of cars in a parking lot with pre-recorded speeches and celebrating from a distance. Horns honked and people waved. Then, summer came. Ah, some relief!
The long Covid Year has taken its toll on many events, but the WBFH staff has managed to take home a respectable eleven awards out of a possible 32 at the recent Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation Student Broadcast Awards, held virtually on Wednesday, April 7.
Under the tutelage of Advisor Danielle Tier, the small (six staffers), but mighty group pulled off a great showing against other broadcast competitors Plymouth-Canton, Avondale and Marquette Area public schools.
Each year, high school radio programs are invited to submit their productions for critique and competition. In years past, WBFH has taken home Station of the Year on a great number of occasions, but not this year; that recognition going to friendly rival Plymouth-Canton Schools. However, in spite of the trials of remote production, the staff managed to impress many of the judges with timely and well-produced audio work. The staff is fired up for next year’s competition.
First Place: Current Events Story
“Pence Tests Positive for COVID” Jack Hale
First Place: On-Air Personality or Team
“E-Squared” Evan Katz and Eddie Eichenhorn
Second Place: On-Air Personality or Team
“Jack and Cole’s Variety Show” Jack Meyer and Cole Bewick
Honorable Mention: On-Air Personality or Team
“Back in Time with Emma Coden” Emma Coden
Honorable Mention: Pandemic Production, Fall
“Academic Pandemic” Evan Katz and Eddie Eichenhorn
First Place: Promotional Announcement
“How Great The Biff Is!” Eddie Eichenhorn
Honorable Mention: Sports Play-by-Play
“BHHS vs. Royal Oak Football”
Evan Katz, Eddie Eichenhorn and Jackson Bragman
First Place: Sports Public Service Announcement
“Sportsmanship” Eddie Eichenhorn
Honorable Mention: Sports Public Service Announcement
“Sportsmanship” Evan Katz
Second Place: Talk Show
“Working Title” Jack Hale
Second Place: Use of Multimedia
“WBFH” Garrett Kirschner
The relaxation of Covid restrictions and a general sense of getting-back-to-normal set the stage for The Biff staff to go ahead with its spring fundraiser.
This year’s campaign — after skipping last year’s effort — focused on raising funds to replace the WBFH antenna, now over 30 years old and past its life expectancy. Also, staff management expressed an interest in going all-digital with the purchase of state-of-the-art studio broadcast consoles.
Jeff Lawson (Andover ’95), a former Biff staffer, offered to boost this year’s efforts by matching any monies raised. Jeff is founder and CEO of Twilio, a leader in global communication and technology.
Click here to see more photos.
It was the most fun the staff has had so far this year.
WBFH always finds fun and unique activities from which to broadcast live. This year, Biffers were invited to originate a broadcast from the Bowers School Farm on Saturday and Sunday, October 23rd and 24th.
This was the perfect opportunity for staffers to meet and greet their listeners as they took requests and described various activities that were staged that day.
Saturday was overcast; while Sunday was sunny. Later Sunday, as clouds rolled in and the temperature dropped as the cold front passed. Rain held off until just before the broadcast concluded.
It was a very successful broadcast.
Staff and management of WBFH are keenly aware of the importance of offering new and compelling programming to its constituents. One of the new offerings from The Biff is Black Hawk Beat, a weekly talk show devoted to presenting news and information about student and athletic groups.
Patsy Bugajewski, Paul Kolin and Debbie Guettler approached WBFH Station Manager Ron Wittebols with the idea of creating something that would shine the spotlight on the many extra-curriculars which Bloomfield Hills Schools offers. The program is anchored by Brooke Bugajewski and features plenty of interviews.
Black Hawk Beat takes to the airwaves every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
After decades of service, the time had come to replace the WBFH antenna.
It was another respectable showing for Biff staffers as they took home nine awards out of a possible 23 at the 2022 Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation Student Broadcast Awards, held virtually on Thursday, March 10.
Under the tutelage of Advisor Danielle Tier, the group pulled off a great showing against other broadcast competitors Plymouth-Canton and West Bloomfield public schools.
First Place: Public Service Announcement
“Operation Lifesaver” David Collins
Second Place: Public Service Announcement
“Spotlight Your Organization” Lucia Farah
Honorable Mention: Public Service Announcement
“Donate Your CDs” Emma Coden
First Place: Sports Announcing Team
“BHHS Football 2021” Jackson Bragman, Will Gardner and Harlan Goldman
First Place: Talk Show
“Jackson’s A List” Jackson Bragman and Will Gardner
Second Place: Talk Show
“Interviewing Pat Watson” Jack Meyer
Honorable Mention: Daily Newscast/News Feature
“NTFs” Blake Forrester
First Place: On-Air Personality or Team
“Good Vibrations” Elli Bolster
Second Place: Promotional Announcement
“BHHS Football” Will Gardner
During the recent Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association Individual Events State Tournament, Danielle Tier was presented with the Diana Rose Award for 2021-2022.
The award recognizes the tireless efforts to promote high school speech embodied by the award’s namesake, Diana Rose. Ms. Rose was a coach, director, mentor, and teacher, most recently in the Brighton public school system, teaching hundreds of students in the verbal arts for over 33 years. After retirement, Diana stayed active in MIFA, serving as a volunteer in the office and overseeing the IE Judge Certification program.
The award acknowledges hard work and sacrifice, as well as the outstanding coaches of Individual Events in Michigan. Nominees for this award are expected to exhibit the highest professional standards and volunteer service. Nominations are made by members of the speech community and the winner is chosen by the MIFA Individual Events Committee, composed of leaders in speech activities from across the state.
Tier’s criteria for nomination was well supported by MIFA peers. Highlighted specifically was the commitment to making Individual Events (Forensics) accessible and possible not only at Bloomfield Hills High School but for all Michigan students. In addition to the position as a teacher and speech coach at BHHS, Tier is a steadfast volunteer for the MIFA community, serving as an elected member of the MIFA Forensic Council, the chair of the MIFA Individual Events committee, and a volunteer to assist in the administration of multiple tournaments during the speech season. During two years of a COVID pandemic that forced the forensic community into uncharted territory, Tier contributed extensively to make sure online speech competitions were a technologically feasible and rewarding experience for students.
In addition to her service to the community, Tier coaches a highly competitive and well-regarded program. This year the BHHS forensic team finished second overall in the state in their division. The team finished with 4 state champions, 16 additional state finalists, and 6 state semi-finalists. The program has also earned multiple state title championships.
Another Biffstock marathon is history and our staff couldn’t be more grateful and proud. When the broadcast came to a close, early on Saturday morning, there were eleven staffers in Studio A still standing!
Each year, The Biff is invited to participate in the annual East Hills Ice Cream Social. Unfortunately, the pandemic of the last two years interrupted the tradition. But, 2022 saw its return!
(Excerpts reproduced from www.bloomfield.org)
The Tuesday following Thanksgiving is nationally recognized as Giving Tuesday, a day that encourages people to give back in whatever ways they can. The Eichenhorn family did just that for Bloomfield Hills High School, providing a grand total of $6,000 to the The Biff, the choir program, and the theater department, through a donation to the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation.
Emily Eichenhorn, a mother of two graduates, shares, “We found something that was connected to them that we felt was important for the school as well, to say thank you. We’ve done that throughout our time here, at Lone Pine and West Hills, too. We think it makes sense to say, ‘We’ve benefitted from this, and we’re not going to be here being a booster parent, and we want other kids to have the opportunity to do the same.’ I think that here in this district, which is a well-funded district, it’s still necessary to supplement. I trust that the teachers here will use anything that we give them in a way that will benefit the kids, which is what matters to us. We had 16 years worth of school here with our kids, and spent that time writing booster checks, and selling candy, and then you leave. And, yes, another generation takes over, but it’s nice to say ‘you left a mark on our kids, we’ll leave a mark on the place as well.’”
Principal Lawrence Stroughter notes, “I want to thank the family for looking back and recognizing how valuable the experience was for your two sons. Thank you for thinking about us and thinking about the kids that are coming after and supporting them in a monetary way. You made the day of these three teachers! You give them that wind beneath their wings to push a little bit further. Sometimes the performing arts are not looked at the same as the core subjects. Our teachers show their value but for you to recognize it goes a long way to give them that push to do what they did for your two boys for the next generation of kids that’s coming through.”
Josh and Emily Eichenhorn’s son, Eddie, spent many hours on the air at WBFH and left his mark as one of the station’s exceptional staffers.
Although it was scheduled earlier in the year, due to calendar conflicts, staffers managed to post a respectable fundraising effort.
Each year, The Biff is invited to participate in the annual East Hills Ice Cream Social. Unfortunately, the pandemic of the last two years interrupted the tradition. But, 2022 saw its return!
The Lone Pine Elementary PTO wanted to have one last carnival at its old location, 3100 Lone Pine Road in West Bloomfield before moving into its new facilities of the soon-to-be vacated West Hills Middle School. So, it was completely natural to reach out to the staff of WBFH for some background music!
on another great year of broadcasting adventures.
The new school semester always brings anticipation, great expectations and a clean slate from which to plan the next broadcast season. This semester is shaping up to be a milestone in the history of The Biff, with new staffers bringing so much energy, drive and determination to the airwaves, under the direction of Student General Manager Grant Dobbie.
Before Labor Day arrived, the staff planned and produced its first live remote broadcast from Black Hawks Stadium as the varsity football team played host to the Stoney Creek Cougars.
Sports Director Anthony Doria laid the foundation of the broadcast and put it in the hands of Jaden Ryke, Eugene Belski, Evie Keough, Magdalena Leonard and Bryce Stachel to pull it off. One of Station Advisor Danielle Tier’s Intro to Broadcasting eager students, Falou Cisse, stopped by to lend a hand! Anthony Doria is a member of the Black Hawk varsity football team and could not direct the broadcast, but his extra care in planning led the broadcast team to a great start.
Co-Assistant General Manager Jaden Ryke kicked off the broadcast at 5:00 p.m. with a shortened version of his popular Hustle & Grit sports talk show. Jaden took time from his summer vacation to submit weekly episodes of Hustle & Grit, so that he could keep his audience until the new semester started. Next, Evie Keough and Magdalena Leonard spent an hour pregame at 6:00 p.m. with their preview of what's to come with their weekly broadcast, The End Zone. Later, Jaden Ryke was joined by Bryce Stachel and Falou Cisse to bring play-by-play to an audience of thousands.
Although the Black Hawks took it on the chin, Biff staffers had a great night in the booth.
Here’s hoping that you’ll join us each day for the 2023—2024 broadcast season.
Eleven Bloomfield Hills High School Biff Radio students recently attended the Michigan Association of Broadcasters “Michigan Student Broadcast Awards” event on Monday, March 18 at the Crowne Plaza in Lansing. At this state-level ceremony, high school and university audio and visual programs were recognized, and five BHHS students brought home first-place awards.
The keynote speech was Emily Wilkins, CNBC correspondent and president of the National Press Club. After an energizing and inspiring speech sharing her journey and tips for success in the world of journalism, awards were announced, with the following BHHS students placing in their respective audio categories:
Alex Abel (grade 10): Current Events Story
Grant Dobbie (grade 12): Sports Public Service Announcement
Anthony Doria (grade 12): Public Service Announcement
Anthony Doria (grade 12): Sportscast
Kaden Kouyoumjian (grade 11): On-Air Personality
Magdalena Leonard (grade 10): Editorial
Alex Abel (grade 10): Promotional Announcement
Sydney Fortner (grade 10): Ok2Say PSA
Evie Keough (grade 10): Use of Social Media
Magdalena Leonard (grade 10): Sports Feature
Eugene Belski (grade 11 ): Promotional Announcement
Grant Dobbie (grade 12): On-Air Personality
Anthony Doria (grade 12): Ok2Say PSA
Anthony Doria (grade 12) and Sydney Fortner (grade 10): Talk Show
Abel DuChateau (grade 12): Daily Newscast/News Feature
Jaden Ryke (grade 11): Sports Public Service Announcement
Many congratulations to our hard-working high school radio students for their work on and off the air, and to the Biff Radio teacher and Station Advisor Danielle Tier and Biff Station Manager Ronald Wittebols for leading their students to success!
One day before the holiday break, Station Manager Ronald Wittebols plopped down some tools and a dysfunctional microphone cord on the conference table in front of Station Advisor Danielle Tier and Olivia Roleston, who were conversing about nothing in particular. Danielle was updating grades on her laptop as Ronald began to repair a microphone cable. This immediately caught the attention of Olivia.
“What are you doing, there?” she asked.
“Fixing a broken microphone cord for television class,” he replied. “Do you want to have a go of it?”
And so began Olivia ’s introduction to the world of broadcast engineering. Ronald carefully explained the steps as Danielle playfully quizzed Olivia on how to spell “solder,” the root word for the process of connecting bare wires to a connector.
As with so many staffers, there is the realization that there’s much more to broadcasting than just writing scripts, playing music and talking. Sure, students are drawn to theater, sports and other extra-curriculars, but broadcasting offers a behind-the-scenes world of design, repair and maintenance; skills which may lead to a career in electronic engineering!
Olivia discovered a whole new world and may try her hand at fixing other equipment that may break down!