As the year winds down, Biff staffers reflect on the 1980 March of Dimes Marathon and the relationships they have with each other.
To see the entire edition, click here.
The WBFH Fall 1980 Executive Staff: click here.
The WBFH Winter broadcasters: click here.
The WBFH Spring 1981 Executive Staff: click here.
Staffers reflect on the 1981 March of Dimes Marathon and the relationships they have with each other. They were on the air for 81 hours straight!
On Friday, April 9, eight lucky WBFH staffers attended a live taping of the Sonya show which was produced at the WDIV television studios at 622 W. Lafayette in Detroit.
At the time, the Post-Newsweek station was actively producing programming to syndicate among its owned-and-operated stations, as well as national syndication.
Dr. Sonya Friedman, based in the Metro Detroit area, made a career as a clincial psychologist and worked in the media for many years. Her stops included Sonya Live on CNN and served as a presenter on the ABC Radio network. She wrote columns for The Detroit Free Press and Ladies’ Home Journal as well as publishing the best-selling self-help books, “Men are Just Desserts,” “On a Clear Day You Can See Yourself,” and “A Hero is More than just a Sandwich.”
To see the Walk America portion from the campus of Oakland Community College Highland Lakes, Click here.
Click here to see more photos.
Pete Bowers is elected Michigan Association of Educational Broadcasters (MAEB) president. The association is an organized group of college and high school radio stations located throughout the State of Michigan. Bowers will serve many years as president and serve as host for many MAEB conventions at Andover High School.
To see candid photos, click here.
Pete Bowers always made sure to make sure the station's resources were available to the community. The Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance was a yearly event. This year's event was held at Fox Hills Elementary School.
To see the entire edition, click here.
Be A DJ program as offered in the spring of 1986.
To see the entire edition, click here.
The Lahser High School studios are closed as students are consolidated with Andover High School students.
WBFH becomes audio portion of the Bloomfield Hills Schools cable channel.
Radio broadcasting in the Bloomfield Hills Schools is more popular than ever; so much so that because of extra emphasis on remot broadcast, Pete Bowers hires the first remote supervisor, Matt Jenkins.
Prior to the postion being created, the only person to set up and engineer remotes was Pete Bowers.
Dan Lippitt (1988—1992)
Martin Pieroni (1992—1998)
Jeff Falcon (1998—2001)
Ronald Wittebols (2001—2013)
Oakland Press publishes an article written by Tracy Ward that features WBFH. Click here for the Oakland Press article.
Oakland Press publishes an article written by Brett Talbot and Tim Bach, two Andover High School journalism students of Vicki Najjar. Click here for the Oakland Press article.
“After three unsuccessful attempts to get a broadcast consulting engineer to process and application for a power increase, Mr. Bowers finally found a firm in Coldwater, Michigan, that will prepare the necessary paperwork needed to file with the Federal Communications Commission.
“The application will be prepared by E. Harold Munn, Jr. & Associates and will include a waiver request to the Canadian government. Since airspace is shared by both Canada and the United States in the Windsor/Detroit metropolitan areas, it is necessary to get the permission of the Canadian government in order to broadcast at a higher wattage. Should Canada refuse to allow the increase, WBFH will continue to broadcast at 10 watts. Munn will also prepare documents needed for the installation of a taller tower should the power increase application be accepted by both governments.
“WBFH will be applying for a directional antenna system with up to 390 watts of power. Directional antenna systems allow for the protection of adjacent frequencies and is necessary in the case of WBFH if a power increase is to be realized. Directional antennas send more power in some directions and reduce power in others, so that stations won’t ‘overlap.’ WBFH will still be at 88.1 Mhz.
“The application will be submitted this spring to the FCC and then the waiting game begins. Upon approval, WBFH will have 18 months to install a new transmitter and antenna.”
Telephone-talk involving listeners from in and around Bloomfield Hills. Hosted by WBFH staffers, a wide-range of important topics are discussed.
Sports/talk show hosted by Bloomfield’s number one sports team. Sports topics are discussed, opinons are pointed, and nothing i left sacred.
Monday Mellow
Bloomfield’s best in adult contemporary music, hosted by relaxed air personalities who play requests and dedications.
Universal Radio
Tomorrow’s music today. The best in entertainment, with music sweeps as an added attraction.
IROC Radio
Two-man prime-time comedy at its best! Parody songs, impressions, humor, and popular music.
The Nighthawk
Bloomfield’s best-kept secret! A comical host who gets the listener involved and plays recorded comedy performances.
BIFF Magazine
School district students, teachers and other members are interviewed.
Metal Mayhem
Heavy metal music is in focus as bands and current musical events are discussed. Hosted by staff experts.
The Very Best of...
A WBFH classic. One full hour of an artist’s work is spotlighted.
Electric Cafe
Music spotlight on local rocka nd roll bands hosted by two of the Biff’s best disc jockeys.
FORB Spotlight
Students from the Andover and Lahser Fundamentals of Radio Broadcasting classes host their own shows with the guidance of staff engineers as they talk, take requests, and learn to “spin some tunes.”
Middle School Spotlight
Students from West Hills, East Hills and Bloomfield Hills Middle School broadcast on The Biff.
WBFH begins its first Family Fun Day remote.
Click here to see individual photos.
Official application is filed with the Federal Communications Commission to increase power to 360 watts. First Pontiac Silverdome football broadcast, Andover vs. Lahser.
Production studio is renovated.
Staff members win first Michigan Association of Educational Broadcasters (MAEB) awards.